John Dimmer Visit

John Dimmer amazed me with the amount of information he has in his mind and is able to present at a moments notice. I’ve met people who are abnormally well knowledged in one topic but that topic is normally something in the sciences. For example, the surgeons I’ve had operate on me are often very talkative and when prompted to discuss the topic they’re an expert in will talk for 20 minutes about every complicated detail.

I can say, with at least how it seemed, that he differs from the surgeons in the way he delivers the information. The surgeons (much like me, I admit) will spew all that enters their head while ignoring the social cues that would encourage most to pull back the reins or maybe even allow the semi-willing participant to get some words in. John Dimmer was not this way. He would answer questions or explain topics with the correct amount of well-educated information. I’m not sure how he does it considering that as much as I try, I often weird people out or completely annoy them when I’m trying to talk about a topic that I’m well educated in and passionate about.

The information he gave was very helpful but I had previously learned a good deal of it from my brother who has graduated from WSU with a degree in business. The only thing I had yet to learn was the hard truth that angel investors will only give you a second thought if they know you. I only had about two days to mope about this before I made a connection in the most unlikely way. My girlfriend of 5 years gave CPR to a man at the Starbucks she works at and last weekend was given the 2018 American Red Cross Call to Action Award. I am horrendously proud of her but that’s beside the point. One of her regular customers, Mark, who was there during the traumatic event was invited to the breakfast where she was given the award. I was talking to the amazing man she saved and his lovely wife about what we hope to accomplish with the company when Mark sat down at the table and asked me to repeat what I had said. I tried to give the shortened explanation just to keep the conversation open to everybody at the table but at the end he told me to contact him when we’re looking for investors. What John Dimmers said seems to be true but apparently you are most likely to know somebody who has the means to help you.


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