Shadrach White Visit

Shadrach White was an interesting man. Just like all of the other guest speakers, he was very intelligent, well spoken, and understood everything he talked about. That being said, something felt very different about this guest speaker. It could have been, as Andrew Fry said, he is the picturesque image of a CEO. Or it could have been because it was more relaxed and less guided. Truth be told, I was a little bit confused at the beginning of the class since I assumed the three gentleman giving the short presentation about internships for their company were the guest speakers. I saw the man who was sitting down and just assumed that he was part of their group and was just watching or something along those lines.

Shadrach White mostly talked about his experience starting his companies and then opened the floor for discussion. That could have been what was slightly weird. I think the majority of the time he was there it was just questions and answers. Although I think I may have learned less than if he just gave a presentation the whole time, I feel as if it was a very fitting and necessary ending to our guest speaker experiences. The students were given an abundance of time to ask any remaining questions they have regarding entrepreneurship to the “picturesque CEO” and get a final image of what the future may look like for any of those who will proceed with their business ideas. I myself am one of those lucky few. I’ve known for a long time that the future is scary and I don’t believe that Shadrach White or even this class have alleviated or exacerbated that fear but I believe that all of the drastically different guest speakers have shown me the myriad of different CEOs. The fear’s still there but I think I may becoming more comfortable with it.


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