What I Expect to Get Out of This Class

What I want out of this class is to have a greater understanding of how I should get any of my ideas off the ground. My brother and I are currently working on a business idea that we want to proceed with but I truthfully have no idea how to go about it. My brother has a bachelor’s degree in business from WSU but he has worked at a tech start up before and he talks about how he was under prepared for what he did there because what they taught in business school was vague and generic. In my limited experience in business school I heard the phrase “business hasn't changed in hundreds of years” but I’m not sure that’s true anymore. As a matter of fact, I have heard a lot of evidence to the contrary. I hear that managing employees is very different. I hear that the order of when things happen (pursuing investments is one example) that is very different.

I’m fairly capable with coding and developing the product. My brother is capable with marketing, management, and the other generic business aspects. I was hoping the software development class I took would have helped with that but unfortunately, we went over almost everything relevant way too quickly. He mentioned the several different types of documentation styles but we never saw examples. I’m hoping that this class will help me fill in the gaps in knowledge between our two worlds in a way that will leave us not only able to continue forth but confident in our abilities so we don’t have to worry about us being our own enemies.  


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