My Three Business Ideas

I’m not exactly passionate about any of my ideas but they do seem fun and are definitely things that I wouldn't mind spending a lot of time thinking about.
My least favorite idea is a military contracted hacking firm. I know this is childish and I know that I don’t know and may never know every aspect of this business but I still think it would be a good idea for someone to develop. Capable employees wouldn't exactly be easy to find but there has got to be some that are reachable. A few could come from lists of known hackers who have been caught and punished. I can imagine at least some of them would be antsy to find an avenue to legally do what they enjoy. The obvious issue would be whether you can control them or not. I haven’t figured that part out yet.

My second idea is a tech focused intellectual property firm. I know these already exist with companies like intellectual ventures so there is clearly at least some market for it. Ive talked to a professor at UWT who was an international lawyer and she said the problem with this is that there is very little overlap between those who have an understanding of law and those who have an understanding of computer science. I have a little bit more of a grasp on the details of this but probably not enough to be able to make a business plan about it.

My third idea, and my favorite, is building smart houses. I don’t mean like the one in the crappy Disney movie but something somewhat similar. I’m not exactly sure yet what all would be included but there’s potential for almost anything. For example, there could be an automatic generator that kicks on when the power goes out and it can cycle power to whatever devices need it most. The refrigerator would be given power just frequently enough to keep the food at a safe temperature, the lights would only turn on in the rooms where there is a significant amount of movement, and if the user demands it then it will route power to the television. Any and all ideas are possible with this. The problem will be figuring out what will take too much time and money to develop to warrant implementing them. Nobody will spend $1.5 million on a house that would normally be worth $200 thousand just because it will turn your lights off for you.


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